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MNCs VS Startups – How To Select The Right Company For Your Career?

mncs vs startups

It is a crucial question in the recent days that whether to choose from the big MNCs or startups when you are selecting the right company for the job. I have given here my personal views while working in an MNC or a startup. I think depending on my experience; I can guide the newbie about the pros and cons of both startups as well as big MNCs. I previously worked in an MNC for about 6 years, and now, I am continuing working in a startup company from few years.


In an MNC, you will be just like a small start among the billions of galaxies. Also, the overall personal growth in an MNC will be much slower. Some of the MNCs are also involved in using obsolete technologies which is certainly of no use outside. You may sometimes find your work to be meaningless. Many of the freshers in a particular MNC are put into support projects where your main work is to forward emails; make word documents and spreadsheets as well as attending phone calls.

On the other hand, in a startup, you usually get to work with the cutting edge technologies. So, you certainly have the option to make a name for yourself, think out of the box, and innovate as well as to do something on your own.

So, in the career growth perspective, MNCs are not considered to be a good option.

Management – The Most Important Part

Management is considered to be a very important part of a particular company. In an MNC, the overall management is not such good. Also, you will remain in the lowest tier forever and that too without any recognition, if you are not good at anything other than the technology.

On the other hand, a flat kind of hierarchy is followed in most of the startups in recent days. You can easily shine if you are good at something. In a startup, you will always make friends, but in MNC, you will make only colleagues.

In the MNC, also the infrastructure is very good and you get 2 days week off and 2 paid leaves every month. There is an even distribution of incentive with the team. If your behavior is good with the management then you get enough increment. Coming to the responsibility, it is low in case of MNC. In MNC, the overall management system is systematic.

The cons of MNCs are that there is no presence of personal touch with top management and so, it feels like robot. In MNCs, you will face more personal conflicts with Management and Team leaders. It is also very hard to satisfy everyone in the company. Without any notice, you can be fired anytime. The MNCs have fixed job profile and have strict rules.

But, in the startup companies, there are more chances of good incentives and also there is much space for your speech. You also get bonus for your extra work. Along with that, you also get more chances to learn new technologies and there is no much fear of fire. You thus get quick problem solutions and enough freedom in the startup companies. It is also possible for you to do personal interaction with the boss.

The cons of the startup companies are that it is hard to take leaves because of limited resources, and there are no proper timing, no proper infrastructure and no proper management. You will also get a lot of responsibilities in these companies.

Thus, there are a number of pros and cons when it comes to MNCs Vs Startups. So, you need to choose what you want in your career. If you want safety, then MNCs are best whereas if you want growth, then startups are best.